Leo’s World



Leo, Lola and Babù travel to fantastic places to teach children how to face everyday challenges, fostering inclusion and autism acceptance. (Produced by Brand-Cross.)

Company Info & Contacts

VISMANIMATION is an independent consultancy firm operating in the media and entertainment industry. Born recently with more than 20 years of experience bringing top-quality animation to children globally, it offers flexible services and tailor-made solutions in the fields of content production, financing, international distribution and brand development. Its approach is to build community around multiple industry players, with the mission to foster business growth and professional success for creators with brilliant ideas, production studios seeking global rollout, broadcasters looking for standout content that child audiences deserve. Driven by passion, built on solid expertise, leveraging a strong network and moved by strategic vision, VISMANIMATION aims to promote media content with social relevance, positively impacting global audiences through quality storytelling.

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