K-Broadcasting Virtual Showcase: The Big Hits from Korea

May 15th, 2023 - Jul 15th, 2023

Eight companies are set to take part in a showcase of the latest big hits from Korea, the most ever from the country to participate at the L.A. Screenings. CJ ENM, KBS Media, MBC America, SBS International, SLL, EO Contents Group, Kang Contents and Something Special will be presenting their latest programs for the global market, with about 60 projects to be introduced as part of the K-Broadcasting Virtual Showcase (www.kbroadcastingscreenings.com), launching one week prior to the L.A. Screenings—giving buyers ample time to review the latest content.

K-content has both universality and uniqueness, says Sungho Ju, director of KOCCA USA. “It is often made of materials that can resonate with many people, so it can be easily broadcast worldwide. At the same time, it can be made in a fresh way that is not seen in other countries. The characteristic of the K-content industry is to create a new concept with universal materials.”

Ju also highlights Korean content’s high production value, good quality acting and, most importantly, strong storylines that resonate with a wide range of cultures and age groups. He says, “Many times, Korean shows deal with stories and social issues that are universal such as family struggles, love and friendship. Also, it offers a wide range of genres—from romance and rom-com to legal, historical, action, medical, sci-fi and horror—with great stories viewers can immerse themselves into.”

The K-Broadcasting Virtual Showcase is being organized by Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA), which supports the Korean creative content industries. KOCCA supports the Korean broadcasting industry in many different areas, such as story development, talent-fostering programs, formulating policies and strategies for the industry, preproduction, production, marketing, distribution, global advancement and much more. “Some of the ways KOCCA supports Korean broadcasting content to do business in the global market is to host international broadcasting markets such as BCWW (BroadCast WorldWide) in Korea and to have Korean companies participate in global markets such as MIPTV, MIPCOM, Asia TV Forum & Market in Singapore, Dubai International Content Market and, this time around, in Los Angeles at the L.A. Screenings,” Ju says.

“We are looking forward to connecting with new and old buyers from the U.S. and LatAm at this year’s L.A. Screenings,” he adds. “We are offering more diverse and creative South Korean television content for the international market this year.”