SHOWCASE: All3Media International Touts Success of Scripted Formats

Jul 7th, 2022

All3Media International has a wide range of new and existing drama titles that offer viable global opportunities for scripted format success. This includes the thriller Liar, which has now played in ten markets, the latest being Spain, and the more lighthearted romance title Step Dave, which has had successful iterations in Central Europe and Greece. Further abroad, the AsiaPac office has seen a huge increase in interest in this route to production. Their latest license, Blood, is presently the number one show on Disney+ Hotstar in India as Masoom. China, meanwhile, produced a local version of the long-running Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries a few years ago under the name of Miss S. In the U.S., the new iteration of Russell T Davies’ Queer as Folk is garnering praise as a positive LGBTQ juggernaut for Peacock.

The breadth of series available has enabled both broadcasters and producers in varied territories to find a story with resonance—and big PR value—in their market. And the adaptation process has proven seamless. In addition to the obvious reduction in cost and time in development, the shows are proving a useful solution for star casting. For example, in France, Camille Cottin was the local star of Fleabag, a range of brilliant talent has appeared in Liar across Europe, and there are several fantastic Doc Martins around the world.
In this video interview, we hear from the EMEA, AsiaPac and U.S. offices of All3Media International, with their local executive VPs of sales—Stephen Driscoll, Sabrina Duguet and Sally Habbershaw, respectively—elaborating on the opportunities in their markets and sharing some clips from several adaptations that are making their mark around the world. Through the acquisition of the NENT Studios UK (formerly known as DRG) catalog, there are now more opportunities than ever, and All3Media International refreshes its catalog regularly thanks to pipelines with leading talent in production and writing.
All3Media International has presented its scripted format catalog at Berlinale, Conecta FICTION & Entertainment and Series Mania and is always keen to meet with producers to discuss which of these shows would best sit with the approach they are seeking to take locally.