Based on VTech’s line of Go! Go! Smart Wheels toys, the adventure comedy kids’ series Go! Go! Cory Carson follows the titular orange car around Bumperton Hills as he learns to navigate the ups and downs of childhood. Earlier this year, Superights secured a deal with VTech for the international distribution rights to the series, which is produced by Kuku Studios for Netflix and has Superprod on board to handle CGI production.
“Superights could not be happier to continue this amazing adventure, with Cory getting worldwide second-window rights to reinforce the exposure of the brand,” says Nathalie Pinguet, Superights’ deputy general manager.
In addition to being inspired by an established toy line, what gives Go! Go! Cory Carson an extra boost in the market is the talent of the creative team that hails from the likes of Pixar Animation Studios, according to Pinguet, who also notes that the series has thus far earned three Daytime Emmy Awards.

“The premium animation style, as well as the originality of the writing and dialogue, have to be highlighted,” says Pinguet. “The series stages many daily-life situations that everyone can relate to with a masterful blend of humor and heart, gathering parents and kids around an appealing universe full of colors and good values.”
Among the values that Go! Go! Cory Carson has at its core are perseverance, community living, kindness, family, hard work and self-confidence, and it’s a show that aims to connect with young boys and girls alike. It covers such globally relatable themes as the first day of school, birthdays, holidays, one’s first pet, the passing of a family member and more.
Created by parents, says Pinguet, the series is inspired by recollections of the challenges of growing up—from overcoming fears to developing social skills—and features emotions and humor that are meant to be engaging for kids as well as their caregivers. “We have even received reports of parents laughing and getting emotional watching the series themselves,” she says. “This is where the magic of this series lies, and we are confident that the show will keep resonating with many families all around the world.”
Superights, which is handling all linear broadcasting rights for Go! Go! Cory Carson worldwide, except for China, aims to broaden the series’ international exposure while supporting VTech’s licensing and merchandising strategy.
In addition to Go! Go! Cory Carson, Superights boasts in its catalog such titles as The Adventures of Little Penguin, produced by Tencent Video, and Momolu and Friends, from Ferly, Yellow Animation and Digital Graphics.